CGS Atrium Materials

The Woodshop at Avalon is eager to serve the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atriums of West Michigan!

Our family has personally witnessed the value of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program in the lives of our children. Children's spirits thrive in the peaceful environment of a well-prepared atrium. We have had the pleasure of assisting catechists in a number of local atriums and are taking orders for more now. 

City of Jerusalem (with or without base): $155/$125

Good Samaritan Diorama & Figures: $110

Found Coin Diorama & Figures: $70

Holy Bible Books & Case: $175

Good Shepherd Environment & Box: $75

Maxim Cabinet & Tablets: $160

Cenacle & Backdrop & Table: $60

Fettucia Ribbon Reel with plexiglass top: $75

We're also able to design custom boxes for the storage and display of the works you have already made.

Don't see what you need listed? Contact us! 

Please email us at if you would like assistance with building your CGS works!