Farewell Summer
So often, this is a fleeting season here in West Michigan. Some years, all it takes is one day of gusty winds off the lake shore to blow the chilly autumn air in to stay. But for some reason, summer just doesn't want to quit this time around! No complaints here: we're soaking up all the sun we can get, as if we can squirrel away the extra for sustenance mid-Februrary.
The summer was not a season of much writing or marketing here at The Woodshop headquarters, but in between our times of travel and of hosting visitors, we found some time to take on new projects. In addition to numerous custom orders, we've been experimenting with new styles and finishes. We've been trying to find a way to offer these engraved 5 x 7 for favorite scripture passages or quotes. The size of standard greeting cards, they can be propped or hung like photos.

Dad's also designed larger indoor signs in a style that echoes the Arts and Crafts style of William Morris in some elements. This one is the width of a standard door frame: fitting for a house blessing or family motto.

The experimenting has yielded a number of unique pieces, like the Three Holy Hearts Rosary Hanger. (Let me know if you want this beauty--I'm not making a listing because it's the only one!)

And we've had the delight of sharing in some special projects like this house-warming gift for a family that is dearly beloved by their church community: