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The Woodshop at Avalon

Prayer Card Stand

Prayer Card Stand

The Catholic tradition of holy cards can be a lovely way to discover a new saint or remember a special person or event in prayer. However, if you’re anything like me, the cards often end up pinned on cluttered bulletin boards, bent in the bottom of diaper bags, or repurposed as a handy bookmark. This simple stand with a space for a votive candle gives place and purpose to these images. Notice the handy storage compartment to help keep your collection contained! Set it on your home altar, in your prayer corner, or in the middle of the table as a visual reminder to take a moment to light the candle and pray. If you are teaching your children about the life of a specific saint or look at the calendar and realize that it’s little Theresa’s name day, just pop the right card in the stand and–voila–liturgical calendar celebrated!

Add a set of four beeswax tea light candles HERE

Small stand fits nicely on most windowsills: Approximately 2.75 in x 4 in x .75in

Larger stand with storage:  Approximately 5 in x 3.5 in x 1.25 in

(Holy cards pictured not included)

Regular price $14.99 USD
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